Please read these guidelines before starting your application.


Grants of up to £35,000 a year are available for up to 12 months, subject to monitoring and availability of funds. For organisations with a turnover of £231,000 or less, you may only apply for a maximum of 15% of your last year’s turnover. For example, a turnover of £125,000 would indicate that you may apply for £18,750, which is 15% of £125,000. For organisations with a turnover of between £231,000 and £1m, you may only apply for up to £35,000. Organisations with a turnover in excess of £1m are not eligible for funding.


To promote learning and development that enables young people and adults to gain additional skills and confidence to enter the labour market.


We support applications that:

1. Reach and work with young people and adults who face complex barriers to employment, enabling them to move closer or into employment, including but not restricted to ex-service personnel and ex-offenders.
2. Work directly with young people and adults who are either not in employment, education, or training (NEET), or with young people who are at risk of becoming NEET, to improve their access to employment and the labour market.
3. Increase the learning and life skills of people so that they may further develop their careers, with a particular focus on the water, utilities, and construction industries.


As a funder we seek to be flexible in our approach to grant applicants and are happy to fund both project and/or core costs. We are also happy to fund Living Wage salaries.

Regardless of whether you are applying for core or project costs, we want to know how your work addresses our themes and priorities, and the outcomes you seek to achieve for your beneficiaries. We will also want to know how you will monitor and evaluate your work during the lifetime of the grant.

If you are applying for both project and core costs, you will need to explain to us why this will help your organisation. For example, you could be trying a new approach and need support to fund new project costs. We will consider a 50/50 mix of project/core costs in the grant request.

If you are applying for only project costs, we will consider a full cost recovery model for your back-room costs.


Is your organisation one of the following:
• Registered charity
• Community Interest Company
• Co-operative- registered Community Benefit Societies and registered Industrial and Provident Societies
• Social Enterprise

Is it based in and run in the United Kingdom:
• To be eligible, projects must be registered in and deliver in the UK.

Does your project do one or more of the following:
• Work directly with young people and adults people who are not in employment, training or education, (NEET) or at risk of becoming NEET, to improve their access to employment.
• Work with individuals with complex barriers to employment to gain life skills and qualifications leading to employment.
• Help ex-service people and ex-offenders to gain new skills, training and employment.
• Have clear and well-established connections to employers who can offer meaningful work experience and/or employment.
• Prepare and develop young people and adults who seek a career in the water, utilities and construction industries.

Has your organisation been operational for at least 12 months, and have accounts for that period:
In order for us to consider your request, we need audited annual accounts for the previous 12 month period.

Is your annual income less than £231,000:
• You may eligible for a grant up to 15% of your annual turnover

Is your annual income between £231,000 and £1m:
• You may be eligible for a grant of up to £35,000

Is your annual income more than £1m:
• You are not eligible for a grant from CABWI.


What you need to do:

1. Complete the online application form. A link will be posted here when the next round of applications is open in January 2024. This asks for basic information about your organisation, such as contact details, purpose of your organisation, etc. It also asks for the following:

a) A brief introduction to your organisation
We ask you to tell us something about your organisation. This should include something about when you were established, how many beneficiaries you support annually, how you are funded, and anything else you think we should know. This should be no more than 500 words.

b) Information about the project you are applying for
These questions are about the work you do, what you are trying to achieve, the challenges your community faces, and a brief outline of what you would like from the funding. Please state whether you are applying for core and or project funding. You should also include 3-5 measurable objectives. This should be no more than 500 words.

c) A full budget breakdown of the costs you are requesting

2. Include your annual accounts and a recent bank statement (from the last 3 months)
These should be your last audited or approved accounts. Your organization must have been operational for at least 12 months and have audited accounts for that period in order to be eligible.

3. Submit your governing document.
These are your constitution or articles of association. These should be uploaded onto the application form.

4. Submit three key policies:
i. Equality, diversity and inclusion
ii. Safeguarding policies for children and young people and adults (as applicable)
iii. Health and safety policy

These should be uploaded onto the application form.

CABWI takes the issues of sustainability, carbon saving and the environment very seriously. Please tick this box if you have a sustainability policy with clear targets.


Please note:

1. If the documents requested are not provided with your application, this may delay the processing of your application, and you may miss the deadline.

2. If you are successful, you will be required to complete a grant monitoring form, six months after the initial grant payment, and again at the end of the funding period.

The form requests information on progress against the outcomes stated on your application, and requests information about the ages, sex, and ethnicity of your beneficiaries. It also asks for an anonymised case study. Failure to complete the form, or sections of it, may result in further payment being withheld.

Application Form


Date Action
Monday 8 January 2024 Applications open.
Monday 19 February 2024 by 18:00 hours. Closing date for applications
Mid- February – end of March 2024 Assessment of full application. Full due diligence checks carried out
April 2024 Charity Sub-Committee agrees recommendations for funding to go to the Trustee Board
May 2024 Board agrees applications for funding and applicants are informed
June 2024 Funding agreements sent, including agreement on measurable objectives and outputs, outcomes, and milestones
July 2024 Funding commences
Jan or 6 months from initial payment 6-month monitoring report on progress
Feb 2025 Second tranche of payment subject to successful monitoring